Question about ghost that we need to clarify in order to migrate from WordPress

Good afternoon, we are interested in using ghost as a platform for our client’s news website, but we have several questions that we need to clarify. If possible, by email or video call, please let us know. We leave you with the same questions:

What resources do you offer on your server? Taking into account that it is a site that needs at least 25 staff users, has at least 100 thousand visits per month, does not work with subscribers (it is planned) and handles at least 70 thousand active subscribers to its newsletter.

If we wanted to have our platform on ghost but everything on our server, what would be the newsletter plan with you or where can we see this information?
P.S.: If we want to use the server on our side, what does Ghost include in your plans?

If we cannot use a server other than yours, would we then have the freedom to edit the code?

If we decide to migrate with you the more than 7 newsletters that we have in beehiiv and that total from 50 to 65 thousand active subscribers, will you take into account the subscribers that we already have in beehiiv at the time of the first charge and if it is counted based on what is estimated to be per year or how would this be?

Regarding technical assistance for any problem that we present in the implementation of templates to achieve the frontend of our page, as well as any other element that we have in it, this would be through which channels? be it email, ticket, slack, trello or some other management and assistance tool?

Is it possible to know if you have an integrated App for mobile, that is, that we can configure so that the page can be consulted from an APP configured on the visitors’ devices, whether they install it from their IOS or Android?

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Hi @Julio_Castillo , and welcome to Ghost!

This is a community support forum. Most of the people here are users of Ghost.

If you meant to reach out to the team behind Ghost Pro/’s hosting, their email is

There are multiple other providers for hosting as well, and some people self-host. I list some of the options here: Where to host your Ghost site?

Ghost is open source. That means you can absolutely self-host it. You’ll need Mailgun for outbound newsletter email if you’re going to send a newsletter. [Other setups are possible, but the Mailgun integration is pretty tight.]

Most hosting providers provide some level of support. If you can’t find what you need from your hosting provider, there’s a Ghost experts directory here:
Ghost Experts . Some hosting providers also provide help with getting your content moved.

I’m not aware of a generic “Ghost” app that is currently maintained, although there are people who run Ghost headless, with nextjs or another app in front of it, so there’s not a reason there could not be a mobile app. Some site owners & writers also use other software to publish. (Obsidian is mentioned frequently.)


Good afternoon, we are interested in using ghost as a platform for our client’s news website, but we have several questions that we need to clarify. If possible, by email or video call, please let us know. We leave the questions here:

According to the documentation provided by you at Where to host your Ghost site? there is the possibility of using ghost on our servers, as well as managing our newsletter with mailgun, BUT, the reason for having control of the website based on ghost technology and languages is to have control over all the code, if so, what plan would you offer for managing newsletters with you?

Taking into account that it is a page with a range of 14 thousand to 55 thousand visits per day (this varies).

In the event that we decline to host the website with you, can we integrate beehiiv as our newsletter manager? So, what would be the plan that would be adapted for a site with all the views that we indicate and what service plan would maintain the stability, speed and performance of the site?

I think this is directed at me because you linked my blog, but I don’t offer hosting.