More than one free tier membership

Is it possible to have two free-tier options?

1 - Anyone can sign up for the main content
2 - An invite-only free tier / sign-up by the link (for artists)


I am also looking for this functionality.

In addition to OP’s use case, there are several scenarios where this could you be useful - e.g., internal staff pages accessible only to staff (but they shouldn’t have to pay). Alternatively, since each post has built-in taxonomy around membership tiers, this could be a useful tool to create workflows around it.

Currently, there is a suggestion elsewhere in the forum for creating non-free tiers and giving complimentary access. Although this seems more of a workaround. Also, in OP’s situation, there will be no automation, which can be a problem.


This functionality would be extremely useful, and the lack of granular control actually hinders growth. The comp “workaround” in Stripe is laborious, and not ideal.


Yeah, I’d really like this feature too.

We want to have 3 free tiers for different groups so that we can auto-segment our audience into: Public Sector, Community, Other

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