More than one free tier membership

Is it possible to have two free-tier options?

1 - Anyone can sign up for the main content
2 - An invite-only free tier / sign-up by the link (for artists)


I am also looking for this functionality.

In addition to OP’s use case, there are several scenarios where this could you be useful - e.g., internal staff pages accessible only to staff (but they shouldn’t have to pay). Alternatively, since each post has built-in taxonomy around membership tiers, this could be a useful tool to create workflows around it.

Currently, there is a suggestion elsewhere in the forum for creating non-free tiers and giving complimentary access. Although this seems more of a workaround. Also, in OP’s situation, there will be no automation, which can be a problem.

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This functionality would be extremely useful, and the lack of granular control actually hinders growth. The comp “workaround” in Stripe is laborious, and not ideal.

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