I need to move my Medium blog to Ghost.
I have exported all the medium blog as zip file and whenever I am trying to import this .zip file in Ghost using Settings --> Labs --> Import content as Admin.
I am getting
Import failed
Request contains an unknown or unsupported file type.
It is really appreciable if you can help me on this.
I have attached the screen shot of unzip medium blog and Ghost Admin Page for your reference.
The Ghost import tool only supports Zips from Ghost, not from other platforms.
We have some documentation on how to migrate here:
Although it is due an overhaul as it is out of date. We have a suite of tools for migrating, including migrating from a medium zip to a Ghost zip here:
There is not yet any documentation - it’s a CLI tool that you install with npm globally e.g.
npm install --global @tryghost/migrate
And then you can run migrate --help to see all the options available to you.
Has anyone on this forum done this recently? Migrated from Medium to Ghost and can offer any feedback or advice, hurdles to look for?
I am currently a Medium user and am looking at Ghost.
BTW, you mentioned this documentation being out of date and needing an overhaul. One of the things I found inaccurate so far was this post on your home page:
I am far from being a Medium fan-boy and only use it to test my content, however, some of these things are incorrect. You can use a custom domain, you share memberships with Medium and get paid for it (believe the structure is from every $5 monthly payment you get $2) and you get to build email subscribers, not necessarily email newsletters but yes subscribers and you can export those or do whatever you want with them. Might need to look at that.