Need help with removing bulk internal links


Need urgent help. We need to check and remove a particular link interlinked on all our resource pages. How do we do this automatically?

Example: I want to check if this link ( has been interlinked in any of our resource pages, if it is present, I want to remove all of them. How do I achieve this.

Appreciate quick response!

I’d run a link checker (I use Integrity for MacOS), and use the results to find and correct each link to

There are many ways you could find and replace a URL across the site in such a way as to change to as a bulk job, but in this case you said you want to remove them, which implies to me that each occurrence will need some editorial decision making on how the hole will be plugged—and that’s why I’d do this as a manual job :+1:

You can use Make, loop through all Posts, extract all A links in each post, and remove if link =