I’m really a NOOB! Really!! - So please step by step.
Can someone guide me step by step to find the dependency that is triggering the warning?
and make a pull request?
I have tried to reinstall the hole server from digital ocean, and still, the same error when I running “sudo npm i -g ghost-cli@latest” efter end install
It’s not an error, it’s just a warning and is completely safe to ignore (you’ll probably see a lot of them over time ) . It won’t go away from re-installing anything, the dependencies/code in GitHub - TryGhost/Ghost-CLI: CLI Tool for installing & updating Ghost need updating and a new Ghost-CLI version released, once a new release has been made public you would need to install the new version of Ghost-CLI for the warning to disappear.
If you’re up for going down a rather large node.js development rabbit hole here are some resources that may be useful if you want to help update the Ghost-CLI dependencies (in addition to the pull requests link above):
Yarn (we use this as an alternative client to the npm registry)
If you only want to run your site, ignore the warning and be happy