Pay For Individual Articles / Posts- Without Subscription!

The title pretty much sums up this feature request nicely!

Instead of paying for a recurring subscription, people should be able to pay to access an individual article(s).

A list of individual articles that have been purchased could be listed in the members’ account.

This could even potentially be used as a simplified shop, allowing people to pay for downloads or other digital products!

Other ‘ideas’ have been suggested that are similar to this one but with more specific requirements. I have tried simplifying the general idea to give wider user case scenarios and simplify the technical requirements!

Thank you.


I would love to see this feature as well! I voted for this idea and if there are others who would find this feature useful, please cast a vote for it.

I hope this is integrated within the portal and not as a separate field. Users should have the opportunity to buy single articles, read top three articles, or subscribe to one of the paid tiers…something along those lines.

That’d be an amazing feature, helping content creators to monetize more their publication.

Hi @IanAlderman @visualdynamics @ROY @upmynt

We actually built this feature for Ghost creators and have many folks using it successfully! Our integration, Acta, allows any creators to unlock individual content sales, set at the price you want. Feel free to check out our demo page for the full experience, or some other live examples too:

Feel free to reach out to if you want to chat about it.


This is very interesting. What is the cost to integrate Acta? I didn’t see any pricing information on the website.

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This would be especially helpful for me. You could think of it as pay-as-you-go, basically just an addition to the subscription options.

The use case:
I write long-form articles explaining complex topics. The topics covered are hard to find much good information on, so users are willing to pay. BUT…

If my output is ~1 article per month, then I think the consumer would be much happier with this option.