Possible bugs in possible relation to an env being private, password-protected: package.json of "source" theme: "name" property perhaps misbehaving. "navigation_layout" seemingly ignoring change of default

Edit on top of comment: For the purpose of this post I disabled password protection, making the site public to share it in case it’s useful. Both issues disappeared as soon as I made the site public. So perhaps a different kind of issue than I’ve assumed? Sth. going on with password protection, making the site private?

Given that everything seems to work as expected now that it’s no longer password protected it’s probably not that helpful, but here’s the for now open prod environment: https://alpenzeiger.com/

//end of edit

Please take this with a grain of salt, I’m a hobbyist, so…

As one may expect from a hobbyist, I’m currently not even actually forking and rather working away locally and uploading to a self-hosted instance that pros may consider a prod environment on a Digital Ocean droplet.

Issue Summary

  • changed the themes name in package.json from “source” to “michaels-fork-of-source”:

Employing it this way causes these two errors:

Second possible issue:

Changed in package.json the default option for “navigation_layout” as seen in the following screenshot. While the CMS does not throw any error for this, it seemingly ignores the new default and keeps employing the default set by the original theme (“Logo in the middle”):

  • What did you expect to happen?

Other similarily seemingly minor changes made in package.json, mainly changing various defaults do all work just fine, new defaults for fonts and the like. This f.e. gets adopted without issues (original default is “Modern sans-serif”):

Setup information

Ghost Version: 5.100.1
Environment: production
Database: mysql8


Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS, Release: 22.04
nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
mysql Ver 8.0.40-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))
node.js v20.18.0
systemd 249 (249.11-0ubuntu3.12)

Digital Ocean droplet: 2GB RAM, 1vCPU, 25GB

Proxy: None

Last edit: And as I’m already at it, does likely not have anything to do with Ghost itself; anyone has an idea why clicking the post leads to the reader jumping directly down to the crossword (one of randomly placed segments for testing)? Rather than starting at the beginning of the post?