Post "friends link"?

Hello! Is there a way to share a posts’ “friends link” with free or non-subscribers? Ie for the post that is only for paid subscribers, be able to share it with someone who’s on a free plan or not subscribed at all - similar as sharing a secret draft link with someone?

If not, I’d really like this! Thanks!

There isn’t a way to do exactly what you’re asking for (yet) - but what you could do in the meantime is create a “friends” special offer for your site, using the new offers feature, would allow you (as an example) to give 1 free month of access to people:


I really want this feature too!

The other day I asked ChatGPT for a solution for this - because I really need this so badly! But it only gives me some stupid answers :upside_down_face:

For now, the only non-techy walkaround is duplicating the member-only article, and sharing preview via draft.

but the problem comes when you edit the original post. it doesn’t automatically update another draft version (for sharing with your friends) .
I still need to find a way to sync between the original post and this draft post content, thought.

Is there a smarter way making this secretlink happen by building a small middle-ware which grant the access via API or something? :thinking:

This feature has some interesting potential not only for sharing among friends, but also for selling your content individually or giving away access to a certain article.

On top of that, There’s also no need to worry about implementing integration across Patreon, Ko-fi, and all the membership services. You can still share these secret post links on those platforms as member-only post.
(I’ve noticed that some people feel more comfortable signing up for membership from well-known sites like Patreon and Ko-fi than buying directly from me because it’s more convenient for them (no need for extra accounts) and they trust those sites more.)
This way, you can still update the same articles across different sites, by writing your premium content within Ghost. No neet to to copy, paste, upload the same contents across different platforms.

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