Remove all publish dates from site

Hello! How do I remove all of the post publish dates from my website? I’d like them gone both from the landing page and from the posts themselves. Here’s my website:

I’ve already adding various code injections—such as the following—but none has worked:

.post-card-meta-date {

Any help much appreciated! Thank you.

I think the selectors you’re using might be for a different theme. Try this:

.single-meta-length::before {
  display: none;

The ::before selectors remove the spacer bullet.


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Brilliant, thank you so much! That worked, though I did fool around with the code a little. This is what deleted all the dates:

.feed-date { display: none; } .feed-length::before { display: none; } .single-meta-date { display: none; } .single-meta-length::before { display: none; }
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I missed a comma, updated!

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