Solo theme: remove date

I’m using the solo theme for a personal portfolio site and I’d like to remove the date from posts on the homepage.

Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 1.29.02 PM

Anyone know how to do this? I’d be fine with getting rid of the reading time as well, I don’t mind much either way.

Go to SettingsCode InjectionSite Header and add the following CSS snippet:

  .gh-card-meta {
      display: none;

This removes the date and reading time from the post cards.

@AnimaVillis has a good point below. This will remove metadata (author/date/tag) from your post pages, too. To only target the homepage, use .home-template .gh-card-meta as the CSS selector.

Thanks so much Ryan! I posted a few more questions about light modifications to this theme, let me know if you have any input:

If you use that, Your tags will disappear too.