Search for Ghost

I began a series of three blog post to implement Elasticsearch into your Self-Hosted Docker Ghost blog.

Hoping this post will help you :wink:

Thx @Ludovic_Toinel for your post; it helped me a lot

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Thank-you @Laul0, great post !

How to integrate this one with Casper?

This link is now broken. Where can I find the tutorial?

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I have the same problem:

Oh, that’s a 404

I suspect they have deleted that tutorial in favor of this tutorial:

This tutorial suggests implementing search the same way that Jeff Atwood did, by using Google Custom Search.

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I’m sorry to say this, but when I look through this topic (in hope of finding a simple solution) all I see is noise. That means this issue deserves high priority and leadership. In fact, it’s the most up-voted idea on the forum that’s marked as “planned”:

Some of the suggested third party solutions are difficult to implement for some Ghost users, yet at the same time they are very simple to implement for other Ghost users. This means that search functionality in Ghost is out of reach for those of us that don’t have the technical knowledge necessary or prefer to rather invest our time in writing good content. Some of the popular solutions don’t even speak the language of the writer/reader, so they are quickly rendered useless.

Another problem with using a third party solution is that you as publication owner must make sure that you don’t break the solution when you install new updates to either Ghost or the extension (solution) you’re using. Maintenance of course falls on your lap if you’re self-hosting your Ghost publication, regardless. But why risk making it more prone to error by introducing third party solutions you hardly understand? It’s one thing if you’re a very technical person, but hardly all Ghost publication owners are. Even in this very topic, users report that others have set up their Ghost publication for them (and now they are on their own).

For what it’s worth, I have voted on this idea. Only time will tell if it comes to fruition. Personally, I will be staying away from third party solutions for the time being. But I agree with original poster in that “search functionality is expected out of the box from most of the users”, but I would add emphasis on readers rather than users. Readers don’t use Ghost, writers do.

By the way, it may be worth looking at some analytics data to see how your readers are finding your posts. Chances are that they are already using one big search box called Google Search, in which case it’s a bit pointless to implement your own search box. Sure, it adds that extra bit of value and a nice user experience. But does it help you get more readers? You won’t be able to tell for sure until you have that functionality in place of course, but this is something worth considering I think.


Strongly agree @SamirGunic, some of the Ghost team members should reply with some teaser on this. Especially for users of the pro version

Does this work on the pro versions hosted on Gohst or only on the self-hosted ones? Thank you very much for your contribution.

Hello @Gustavo_Papasergio

I did not test it my self but it should work with any Ghost server, pros included. If you are looking for a more “1-click install” version of searchinghost, you might want to check: Search made simple - SearchinGhostEASY.

I also want to point out that this solution is far from being perfect. As an example, it won’t work out of the box with a too large database of articles and it won’t be able to search through article tags. I started this project because nothing was already provided by Ghost but my readers reported the lack of a search bar as an annoying missing feature.

While waiting for the Ghost team to implement an official solution, I hope mine will continue to help people.


Thank! Ill test both.

We use ghosthunter with annyang to have text and voice searches. We host both libraries locally and so far without compatibility issues as they are specific functions. The website in question is

Good news! Today we shipped a native, official Search feature in Ghost. Works across all sites and all themes, right out of the box :slight_smile: