Searching for a theme

Hi there,

I’ve been searching for a Ghost Theme, but I cannot seem to find what I want. Here are my requirements:

  1. minimal/clean
  2. customisable front page that I could make look like a minimal list of posts (like this)
  3. a proper old fashioned blog - like this :
  4. ‘asides’ like Kottke has - a link posted with no title or picture.
  5. still minimal and clean

I don’t think I have seen much like this on Ghost - I suspect I might have to pay someone!

Any suggestions please?

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Hey Matt, the two that come to mind are Dan Rowden’s Track theme and Archie Edwards’ Origin theme. They hit the clean and minimal targets you’re looking for.

Neither has asides baked in but if you’re comfortable digging into hbs and css files you could create these yourself. Could also hire someone like you mentioned. Think Dan and Archie accept clients for this sort of thing if you did like one of their themes.

Ghost has a bunch of amazing themes. Those they create and many third party themes. But, agree, there don’t seem to be many minimal blog/journal style themes.


Thanks - these are nice themes, and in the right direction. It looks like I’m going to have to commission something. I’m going to figure out my budget and work from there.


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