Showing all, not just paid, posts on homepage

I had a customized theme that I no longer needed to use that only showed the paid posts on the home page. I changed to Edition and was hoping to show all recent posts on the home page, but it is still only showing paid subscriber posts.

I am not sure where in the code to change this and wondered if someone could help me. is the site for reference

It sounds like you may have made a change to your routing. Go to SettingsLabs and download your routes file and share the contents here.

This is the default config for reference:


    permalink: /{slug}/
    template: index

  tag: /tag/{slug}/
  author: /author/{slug}/

/signup/: members/signup
/signin/: members/signin

permalink: /{slug}/
filter: visibility:paid
template: index
permalink: /blog/{slug}/
filter: visibility:[members,public]
template: index

tag: /tag/{slug}/
author: /author/{slug}/

Filter - Visibility PAID seems to be the thing

Where can I change that?

This will depend a bit on how you want things structured.

Right now, there are two collections.

  1. Homepage that has only paid posts
  2. /blog that has public posts

Do you want everything to just live on the homepage?

The simplest thing is to return to the defaults. Copy the default routes I included above into the routes file and upload them to the same area in Ghost Admin.

Thank you so much! That is what I needed

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