Sign in with Google, GitHub, Amazon, LinkedIn

Hey all!

I have social sign on for Ghost available. It works on Ghost Pro. It works for self-hosted. You can use your existing theme with minimal modifications, even just with code injection. [I should provide better directions for doing this, perhaps.] And there’s a free tier and what I think is really reasonable pricing beyond it.

I’ve lost a couple clients who felt like social sign-on was a must-have and went with other platforms, so I decided to finally go ahead and build it and run it as a service, because I thought that’d make it really easy for small sites and non-tech folks to get started with it, but you can run white-labeled with your own account keys, too.

I’d be very interested in your feedback - is this a thing you want? Is my pricing model reasonable? Would you be more interested in a packaged form you could set up on your own cloud hosting, instead of using mine?

Write-up and FAQ here: Social sign-on for Ghost

Try it out for yourself here: Sign in


@Cathy_Sarisky please check DM, some errors I’m facing.