Signup w/o paid membership option

I’m looking to change the functions after a member is logged in (using Penang theme).

When a logged in member goes to the “Account” tab it shows the message below and the “Subscribe Now” button then leads to a “Choose your subscription” page with pricing options.
Screen Shot 2020-09-17 at 11.47.56 AM

We will only ever have free content, so I want to get rid of this message and button entirely. I tried changing this here from:

      <h1 class='c-archive__title'>{{t "You're a subscriber to free members updates"}}</h1>
      <p class='c-archive__description'>{{t "You are subscribed to free updates from {siteTitle}, but don't have a paid subscription to read all the posts." siteTitle=@site.title}}</p>
      <p><a class='c-btn c-btn--action' href='/signup/'>{{t 'Subscribe Now'}}</a></p>


      <h1 class='c-archive__title'>{{t "You're a subscriber to free updates"}}</h1>
      <p class='c-archive__description'>{{t "Thanks for becoming a member of {siteTitle} 🎉}}</p>

But when uploading the zip on the site I got this error message about an invalid handlebar:

  • default.hbs : Parse error on line 26: …a>
  • {{else}} ----------------------^ Expecting ‘OPEN_ENDBLOCK’, got ‘INVERSE’

Anyone else have suggestions for how to keep member functionality but get rid of payment and subscription options?

Have you connected to Stripe or put a membership price from the Ghost dashboard->Labs?

Membership is turned on but I haven’t done either of those and don’t plan to since it will all be free content.

This suggests you have a syntax error in the file; you’ll need to provide more context (e.g. the first 27 lines of default.hbs) to get help resolving it

Any update on this? I am also hoping to do the same!

There is a syntax issue in the second line.

So, instead of:

<p class='c-archive__description'>{{t "Thanks for becoming a member of {siteTitle} 🎉}}</p>

It sould be:

<p class='c-archive__description'>{{t "Thanks for becoming a member of {siteTitle} 🎉" siteTitle=@site.title}}</p>

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