Slides order don't show up correctly

Hi there,

I’m using the last version of Ghost, and I’m customizing my theme,

Something really strange happens with my slider

I managed to do that:

  • When I post a new page “featured”, this page is showed up in the slider of the site (my home page),

I have a order to respect, but every time I post the second page (who had to be in the second place), in the slider, the second page, appears… in the first place.

I tried to:

Change the dates/hours of publication, but nothing changed
Put different titles and it worked perfectly…

What is really strange is that when I put the right title again, it directly shows up in first place, like if the system “recognized” the title and placed it in the first place

If someone had an idea, it would be awesome!

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Matt-B. I’m only guessing from the info you’ve given me, but it sounds like you’re ordering pages by their update date, and not their publish date & whether they’re featured or not. Featured pages merely have an attribute applied to them and don’t actually change the order of the pages.

Hi @DavidDarnes,

Ok thanks, I wan’t aware of it, I tried another way and it works like I wanted!

Thanks anyway for your help!

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