Solo theme: remove author from posts

I’d like to remove the author from posts on the solo theme. I used this code injection on the post to remove the date:

.gh-article-date { display: none } 

But can’t figure out how to remove the author. Thanks!

The part of the structure you need to change is here:

<aside class="gh-article-meta">
                        <div class="gh-article-meta-inner">
                                    <figure class="gh-author-image">
                                        <img src="" alt="Jamie Solo">
                                <div class="gh-article-meta-wrapper">
                                <h4 class="gh-author-name">
                                    <a href="/author/jamie/">Jamie Solo</a>
                            <time class="gh-article-date" datetime="2022-08-28">Aug 28, 2022</time></div>
                                <a class="gh-article-tag" href="" style="--tag-color: ">Getting Started</a>

So it looks like you want to display: none .gh-author-image and .gh-author-name, at least?

Thanks! This worked.

.gh-author-image { display: none }
.gh-author-name { display: none }