Hello! I apologize if this is the wrong place to send this discussion. I am on the headline theme and wanted to remove the author name from my articles since I am the only writer. I previously coded it on another theme but that code does not work on Headline. I would appreciate any help, thank you!
You might need to do a bit more tweaking, but try this in your code injection head to start:
.gh-article .gh-author-image-list,
.gh-article .gh-author-name-list {
display: none;
Amazing, thank you so much! Last question, any idea how to do the same on the homepage where it lists my articles (with my name) as well? Thank You!!!
Yep! You can use this for everything
.gh-article .gh-author-image-list,
.gh-article .gh-author-name-list,
.home-template .gh-card-author,
.home-template .gh-card-date::before {
display: none;