Subdirectories for Pages (not Posts) 400 Error


I have spent several hours trying to understand my ignorance. I started building a website this week for the first time. Apologies if my language is not clear/non sensical.

I have reviewed the URL and dynamic routing page on ghost.

I want subpages and have them represented as e.g. I have worked out how to do this with posts but want an organisational structure for static pages (so that there is also no date stamp as with posts).

I just want the subpages to use the default template i.e. as I would create page.

FYI - I am using the “Edition” design in ghost.

Any ideas please?

Do I need to make a separate .hbs template file?

Using the ghost guide as an example and by changing the YAML file:

  /features/: features
  /about/team/: team

I get the an error 400.