I’d like to have tables of contents autogenerated on my posts. Fancier stuff like a ToC that “floats” persistently along the side of the page would be nice, but I’m okay with something more basic like a simple ToC at the top of the page before the content.
I’m curious if anyone has a very recent table of contents tutorial that’s been done with recent releases of Casper (I just installed Ghost so I’m running the latest everything). I looked at a bunch of existing ones, but my web skills are pretty weak so I need something very hand-holdy and on point, and I seem to keep running into issues where something’s wonky, possibly cuz of some changes in Casper since a given tutorial was made (initially the issue was that class names had been changed and so the code I was pasting in wasn’t even looking for the right thing. Figured that out, but then I had issues with the alignment of the ToC being wonky and uncentered or other annoyances).
If you have paid/subscriber-only content that’s on point to this request and want to link that, don’t be shy, i’ll consider it
I’d like to have tables of contents autogenerated on my posts. Fancier stuff like a ToC that “floats” persistently along the side of the page would be nice, but I’m okay with something more basic like a simple ToC at the top of the page before the content.
I’m curious if anyone has a very recent table of contents tutorial that’s been done with recent releases of Casper (I just installed Ghost so I’m running the latest everything).
Also I think somebody else will probably respond, but if they don’t, I’ll have a go at building this and then share the code with you. I’m certainly not the most experienced or skilled developer here but I have implemented exactly this on a non-Ghost website before and I can’t imagine it will be much more difficult.
(The numbering is a numbering of exercises rom the headings, to be clear - that’s not automatic numbering coming from an ordered list - i suppressed displaying those).
Ok so my current method requires manually dropping something into an html block where you want the TOC to display. So it’s not automatic, but OTOH this does have the virtue of letting you choose if you want to display a TOC.
So you just pop one of these into an HTML block in the post you want a ToC for:
<div class="hc-toc"></div>
and then i’ve got this mess in the Site Footer in Code Injection to actually get everything working:
<!-- table of contents -->
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/tocbot/4.11.1/tocbot.min.js" integrity="sha384-TnuMTlegqfBi40E9e3dO2qfmPVKDjLFCCgyZ5bR3SA/hYTJXI090bTbAr/AXO+bc" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
// Where to render the table of contents.
tocSelector: '.hc-toc',
// Where to grab the headings to build the table of contents.
contentSelector: '.gh-content',
// Which headings to grab inside of the contentSelector element.
headingSelector: 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6' ,
// For headings inside relative or absolute positioned containers within content.
hasInnerContainers: true,
<!-- styling background of toc -->
.hc-toc {
border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
background-color: #f8f9fa;
padding: 5px;
<!-- Contents text above TOC entries -->
.hc-toc::before {
content: "Table of Contents";
display: flex;
justify-content: left;
font-weight: bold;
margin-left: 10px;
.hc-toc ol {
/* Move bullets inside. Applies to both first and second level list items. */
list-style-position: inside;
/* Cancel out Ghost's default margin-bottom: 30px. */
margin-bottom: 0;
list-style: none;
.hc-toc li {
/* shrink line height */
line-height:80% ;
key thing seems to be to select gh-content and not post-content or post-full-content like you may find other guides suggesting, at least if you’re on the latest Casper.
Some next steps are tweaking the styling a bit more (changing it from hyperlink blue, say) and seeing if I can get it to work with dark mode. I tried dark mode but it was a mess, will follow up later with specifics but it’s late here
3. Paste this HTML snippet where you want the Table of Contents to appear …
<aside class="toc"></aside>
4. For quick testing, you can navigate to a post (one with some headings) in Ghost admin and create a new HTML card in the area you want your table of contents to appear. A HTML card can be added using the “ + ” button or by typing “/HTML” and hitting enter.
Then click save and view the post. The snippet you’ve added to the post should now contain a table of contents created from all the headings in that post .
5. To get the TOC working on all of your site’s post and/or pages, paste the HTML snippet in your post.hbs and/or in page.hbs, or in any other template where you want the TOC to appear for every post and/or page.
Add this CSS also in between the style tags in the Site Header Code Injection …
/* Top Right Fixed position TOC (Optional) */
.toc {
position: fixed;
top: 54px;
right: 0;
… since this is going to fix the TOC in a static position, it doesn’t matter where (within either the post.hbs, page.hbs, or inserted into the post editor using an HTML card) you put this snippet.
1. Add this CSS in between the style tags in the Site Header Code Injection …
… since this is going to fix the TOC accordion in a static position, it doesn’t matter where (within either the post.hbs, page.hbs, or inserted into the post editor using an HTML card) you put this snippet.
You can also make the accordion open or closed by default …
thank you so much @denvergeeks! This looks really on point. I’m going to play with some of this later I see that you use details and summary tags to make the TOC collapsible, which is a really great and simple solution
The only problem I can see with the fixed position TOC is that it’s going to be in front of and obscure the main post content on small screens like phones.
Would a media query be the best solution to having the TOC fixed to the side on larger screens but return to the original position at the top of the blog post on smaller screens?
And is there a simple way to remove the numerals from the TOC? Or change them to roman numerals?
would there be a relatively easy way to only have a ToC show up on pages that have a particular tag? (My use case: I’m wanting to use Ulysses integration to write my posts and it’d be quite convenient to just slap on a “toc” tag in Ulysses whenever i want a ToC and call it a day)
I don’t expect a fully explanation btw - willing to do some work. But just some pointers on where to get started and links to anything roughly similar that’s been done would be great
Ghost doesn’t seem to care where I put the aside HTML snippet if I’m using the “floating” fixed position ToC, per what @denvergeeks said in his earlier post. Does Ghost care where I put a has? Just trying to speculate on what the trouble might be
I’ve double checked that I actually tagged the post I’m testing with a TOC tag, that it’s a blog post, and that it’s fully updated, and I tried restarting Ghost.