Theme editing (index.hbs, signup.hbs)

Thanks for all this greatness. I’m running my site ( since the start of 2021, had great feedback, and am going to monetize it starting half August. Fingers crossed.

I got this far with a lot of tinkering (not an IT guy) and some expert help.

I’m going to go for the set up that has, more or less same index.hbs, with a ‘learn more’ and ‘sign up’ button and the same kind of signup.hbs with a FAQ.

Again, not a coder…is it possible to put those 2 files public or at least the code of those divs? I don’t know if it’s a bold ask or not…but it would for sure accelerate my process and these are needed mods to my current theme.

This said. Ghost had a nice shout-out on the MFM podcast, I feel like there are missing a few video tutorials on how do edit your own theme, for a big breakthrough. These edits are too difficult for somebody starting out BUT with a tutorial (even a paid course) and some balls to start rocking with Visual Studio Code a lot can get done. The 2 things I mentioned above are changes that everyone should be able to do.

Thanks for reading and hopefully interacting.