Tiers and Zapier

Tiers — what a brilliant direction for Ghost to go in, eh?!? Fantastic.

However, I’m wondering whether anyone knows if/how tiers works with Zapier … ?


  • if I have a thing on another web property somewhere, can I use Zapier (yet!) to give someone a complimentary account on a given tier in my Ghost site.
  • if someone signs up on a given tier on my Ghost site, can I detect that via Zapier and do something via a Zap … ?

My particular use-case — I have two Ghost sites, my company site and a research site, and I’d like to give member sign-ups to one or more tiers on one site a complimentary membership at a given tier on the other. Make sense … ?

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This’d be very useful. Has anyone figured out making this work? Would be great to use Zapier to trigger various external benefits for different tiers

That is must soft tost caporal