What tool do you use for sharing your local installs with clients and / or other users? Except screensharing.
https://ngrok.com/ is pretty useful for sharing. For ghost, remember to start ngrok
then update your config url to match the temp ngrok address before starting so that urls no longer point at localhost.
Thanks! I’ll review.
Perhaps you could share some insight as to how we can remove / hide the “Powered by Ghost” that appears on the bottom left of the screen when clicking “Subscribe” ? Or at least point to the file controlling it so that we can investigate further ourselves.
It’s not possible to remove that if you’re using the Portal script. You can build your own forms instead of using Portal, all the docs are here:
Would you mind providing an example or short walkthrough for this? I’m behind a corporate firewall and as my localhost is http
it only works with my LDAP credentials.
This isn’t really a Ghost question, and certainly not one worth bumping a 3.5 year old thread. :) I’d try the ngrok community or your corporation’s network administrator (who will probably tell you ‘hell no, not allowed’, but really is the right person to involve if you’re talking about providing a new hole through their security measures… )
I think you misunderstand. I’m not asking to workaround my company’s IT measures. I’m asking how to configure Ghost or Ngrok to play nicely via https.