Any ideas as to when we can expect the Ubuntu version to go up to 20.04 on the Digital Ocean marketplace? Also, NodeJS is on version 12 instead of 14?
DigitalOcean recently handed over management of the MarketPlace image so we now manage it and it goes through an approval process before updates are published.
We’ve since hit some road bumps with that approval process (I think they maybe skipped over this as it was them approving their own work ).
We’re working on it and I’ve chased it up again today
Awesome. Just checked and there’s a new npm version available as well a new Ubuntu available (20.04.02).
Thanks for chasing
Hi Hannah,
Is there any documentation available on how to update Ubuntu on DO? I just removed my droplet to make a new one and the image is still 18.04.
I tried with the usual (sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade and then with do-release-upgrade) but it kept on telling me to update.
Or I can just wait for the marketplace image to be updated to 20.04.2, either way is fine for me.
I’ve managed to upgrade Ubuntu on Digital Ocean’s droplet to 20.04 with this guide:
plus this fix for MySQL database: Unable to upgrade Ghost from v4.2.0 to v4.3.0 (CASCADE - UNKNOWN_CODE_PLEASE_REPORT) - #56 by jebarjonet
which is upgraded during Ubuntu upgrade.
I’ve also updated Node.js to latest 14 version.
And it is working
Yep, I know
I just find it “funny” that this has been a topic for weeks and weeks and still no change on DO. The marketplace image is still with Ubuntu 18.04.
I have already explained that we are blocked but looking into this as a priority. Going to close this thread until we have news to share, we will update it when we are able to update the DO image.