Update ghost with a installation make by the zip file


I installed ghost on OVH by following their documentation : https://docs.ovh.com/gb/en/cloud-web/install-ghost-cloud-web/#step-6-install-ghost. Their use the .zip file and not the npm package ghost-cli.
Everything works and I have the latest version of ghost (3.6.0) but I’m inquire for future updates of ghost.

  • Is it possible to make a update by not using ghost-cli? (in the about page of the admin panel?)
  • Otherwise, what’s the best way for install ghost-cli if ghost is already running (by using the .zip file for the installation)?

Thanks for helping,

We really recommend using the Ghost CLI tool as it makes issues like this a lot less hassle. If you’ve only just set up this installation can you not start from a fresh using the Ghost CLI?

Link for reference:

Ok so I’ll install ghost-cli…

There is already content in the site (post, images, route, personal theme, etc…) so if it possible I don’t want to restart from scratch.

Can I do a “npm install -g ghost-cli@latest” in a ssh console of the “Cloud Web hosting” of OVH and after linking the content? Should something like ghost start --dir /path/to/site/ will work?

You can export your content using the Ghost admin :slight_smile:, more info on exporting over here:

You’ll have to check with your hosting provider for using SSH

I already have a ssh access. So it’s possible to link the old content with a new install?

I fail :-( ! But I realized that ‘ghost-cli’ is only supports for the recommend stack (with ubuntu) so it’s okay.

I will now see the best way for keeping my install update date or at least secure without the ‘ghost-cli’.