Upgrading Ghost from SQLite to MySQL: guide

Recently, I finally managed to upgrade my old Ghost instance running the 4.x.x release on SQLite to the latest 5.x.x release on MySQL.

I had attempted this upgrade multiple times without success, but now everything works perfectly. Here’s how I did it:

  1. Backup everything, just in case.
  2. Upgrade to version 5.8.3. AFAIK this is the latest version that still supports SQLite.
  3. Set up a fresh MySQL instance.
  4. Create the database and user.
    • Create a database named ghost.
    • Create a user ghost with the appropriate permissions for the ghost database.
    • Use the collation utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci for the database.
  5. Modify your config.production.json file to point to the new MySQL instance:
  "database": {
    "client": "mysql",
    "connection": {
      "host": "your-mysql-host.domain.com",
      "user": "ghost",
      "password": "password",
      "database": "ghost",
  1. Restart Ghost. Ghost will run migrations on the new database and create the required tables.
  2. Download the ghost.db SQLite database file from your Ghost instance.
  3. Download and install the sqlite3-to-mysql tool.
  4. Run sqlite3mysql --sqlite-file 'ghost.db' --mysql-host your-mysql-host.domain.com --mysql-user ghost --mysql-database ghost --mysql-skip-create-tables --without-foreign-keys --mysql-truncate-tables. This tool will populate your MySQL database using the backup.
  5. Restart Ghost, Check that everything is running smoothly.
  6. Perform incremental upgrades. I didn’t attempt to upgrade in one leap. Instead, I upgraded in steps:
  7. PROFIT!

I know the official guides recommend a full reinstall, but I preferred avoiding the hassle of dealing with media files and other settings.

Hope this helps!


Considering the improvements SQLite has made over the last few years, I think it’s really unfortunate that Ghost has dropped support for it. While MySQL is a popular and well-known tool, it still represents a significant dependency: one more server, one more piece of software, and one more potential headache.