Upgrading to Ghost 2 Issues

I have been using Ghost 0.11 for some time and wanted to upgrade to Ghost 2. I know that I need to go to Ghost 1 first.

When I have Ghost 1.25.6 installed and I try to import my content back from the JSON file it doesn’t work. Do you know why?

I get error warnings about the theme but not the content.

The import seems to work but when I go to the blog the few posts made to it don’t show only the default ghost blog?

It is quite frustrating. It shouldn’t be this difficult to upgrade should it?

The blog address is idrisflaring.com

Can you share any logs from the server? If you installed 1.x with Ghost CLI you can get these from ghost log or looking in the /content/logs folder.

If there’s nothing there, maybe you can share the export?

I agree it shouldn’t be this hard to upgrade. In this case, you’re dealing with pre-1.0 software, and the 1.0 version, which have extremely little in common. With the introduction of ghost-cli, 1.0 -> 2.0 is much easier :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply Hannah.

I have some error messages below which I think all look theme related?


? View error and warning details? Yes

File: post.hbs

  • The {{#author}} block helper should be replaced with {{#primary_author}} or {{#foreach authors}}…{{/foreach}}
  • The {{#if author.}} block helper should be replaced with {{#if primary_author.}}
    or {{#if authors.[#].*}}
  • {{author}} should be replaced with {{authors}}
  • Replace the {{author.name}} helper with {{primary_author.name}} or {{authors.[#].name}}
  • Replace the {{author.bio}} helper with {{primary_author.bio}} or {{authors.[#].bio}}
  • Replace the {{author.website}} helper with {{primary_author.website}} or {{authors.[#].website}}
  • Replace the {{author.profile_image}} helper with {{primary_author.profile_image}} or {{authors.[#].profile_image}}

File: author.hbs

  • The {{#if author.}} block helper should be replaced with {{#if primary_author.}}
    or {{#if authors.[#].*}}
  • Replace the {{author.cover_image}} helper with {{primary_author.cover_image}} or {{authors.[#].cover_image}}

File: partials/post_loop.hbs

  • The {{#if author.}} block helper should be replaced with {{#if primary_author.}}
    or {{#if authors.[#].*}}
  • {{author}} should be replaced with {{authors}}
  • Replace the {{author.profile_image}} helper with {{primary_author.profile_image}} or {{authors.[#].profile_image}}

File: styles

  • The .kg-width-wide CSS class is required to use your theme with 2.0
  • The .kg-width-full CSS class is required to use your theme with 2.0
  • The .kg-gallery-container CSS class is required to use your theme with 2.0
  • The .kg-gallery-row CSS class is required to use your theme with 2.0
  • The .kg-gallery-image CSS class is required to use your theme with 2.0

File: package.json

  • package.json property keywords should contain ghost-theme

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