Using a global tiled background image with a theme

Hello! I would like my ghost site to have a global tiled background image (or even better, a background image that doesn’t appear under the column of post text on individual posts, but let’s start with the first one.) I’ve set up a local dev ghost environment and am modifying the London theme–what I ultimately want is a larger banner at the top of the main page, something more like the Casper layout, with a background image behind the whole thing like a watermark, but the watermark is the main thing I have been able to make changes to the fonts, uploading a custom font file, changing the fonts.css file to include the new files, so I think I have the right access to the assets folder, yarn running in dev mode, etc. Here’s what I’ve tried:

  1. I copied the background file to /mytheme/assets/images/PatentBG.jpg, restarted ghost, etc.
  2. I’ve tried all kinds of code injections; it seems like that would be simpler than figuring out what to change in default.hbs or whatever. My last attempt was:

.gh-site { background-image: url:({{asset “/images/PatentBG.jpg”}}) }

I’ve tried that with gh-header, gh-article, and gh-post and various variations of using handlebars or the path /assets/images/PatentBG.jpg and none of those options are changing anything on the site, as far as I can tell. Is this something that can be accomplished, and if so, how?

Thank you very much–I am obviously very new to this.

You cannot use handlebars ( {{ }} notation) in code injection. If you are using code injection, you’ll need to construct the urls yourself.

That makes sense to me, but then why doesn’t this version work?

.gh-site { background-image: url("/assets/images/PatentBG.jpg") }

The code from that last one should be wrapped in style tags, not sure how to get this to show that.

Which theme are you using? London? Or Casper?

London, but I could switch.

Actually it looks like this sort of does what I want:

    body {
      background-image: url("/assets/images/PatentBG.jpg")