Hello. I’d like to get a blog running that initially has only free subscriptions, (i.e. members get notified by email when a new post is added). But, in the future I may add content that will only be for paid members. This would seem to be possible given Ghost’s three-tier access model (public, members only, paid members only).
I’m working with the Lyra theme, but this seems to default to pushing the paid members option. The user journey for subscribers (after the email authentication) goes straight to www.example.com/signup/?action=checkout which shows the monthly/yearly options. For my model, I want to be able to disable this initially so that the blog can build up content and reputation first before expecting users to pay.
It feels like I need some of Casper and some of Lyra. Am I missing an easy way to achieve this? Any advice welcome. Many thanks.
$(document).ready(function () {
if (action == 'subscribe') {
Whereas default.hbs for Lyra has this:
$(document).ready(function () {
if (action == 'subscribe') {
if (action == 'signup') {
window.location = '{{@site.url}}/signup/?action=checkout';
So, Lyra still has the subscribe code, but has extra code for ‘signup’. But I can’t figure out how the magic link email confirming a user subscription goes to the ‘signup’ option in Lyra whereas it goes to the ‘subscribe’ option for Casper.
How does the action after clicking the magic link get controlled? I’m sure I must be missing something obvious…
By default - Lyra is set up to support paid publications, but you could change the behaviour of the theme slightly to suit your needs.
If you don’t want to offer any paid memberships yet, update Lyra by removing these 3 lines of code exactly, and then update your active theme from the Design area of Ghost Admin. This will remove the redirect that sends new members to the /signup/ page - they’ll land on your home page instead.
Finally, you’ll also want to remove the /signup/: members/signup line from your routes.yaml file too, which prevents anyone from accessing the signup page.
You can add these back in later when you’re ready to take paid subscriptions.