I’m using the Lyra theme on Ghost Pro - and when I tested this with one of my own email accounts, clicking the “Activate my account” button in the subscription email took me to a page which simply presents either monthly or annual subscription options.
I think newcomers to my blog may find this off-putting. I realised that I could ignore this page and just click on “Home” in the main menu - but some visitors may not realise this! I want paying subscribers - but I don’t want to turn people away from the free content I’m posting…
So, what I’d like is the option have a is “free subscription” panel, similar to the monthly and yearly plans - which explains that you get access to all free, or public, posts on the site - and receive them by email too. A “continue” button on this panel would just take you to the home page.
Can this be implemented? And does anyone else agree, it would be a good idea?