What would be the reason for me having multiple versions of ghost installed?
I may have done something but it was quite long ago so that I cannot remember,
Here is the screenshot of my ghost repository…
It seems installing multiple ghost version is unavailable since I cannot install additional versions with the command like below.
I get Message: Current directory is not empty, Ghost cannot be installed here.
$ ghost install 5.62.0
$ ghost install 5.62.0 --local
Running in development mode
A SystemError occurred.
Message: Current directory is not empty, Ghost cannot be installed here.
Debug Information:
OS: macOS, v14.6.1
Node Version: v18.18.2
Ghost Version: 5.89.5
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.26.1
Environment: development
Command: 'ghost install 5.62.0 --local'
Try running ghost doctor to check your system for known issues.
You can always refer to https://ghost.org/docs/ghost-cli/ for troubleshooting.
By the way, I do get result for ghost version
command like below,
and it seems versions/5.64.0
has no effect.
$ ghost version
Running in development mode
Ghost-CLI version: 1.26.1
Ghost version: 5.89.5 (at ~/path)
What would be the reason, and how can I check it?
What is the right behaviour?
If single version is available, why would the upper level directory is names versions
Plus, can I run my ghost with 5.64.0 ? (this is not necessary though.)