What would be the reason for having multiple versions of ghost?

What would be the reason for me having multiple versions of ghost installed?

I may have done something but it was quite long ago so that I cannot remember,
Here is the screenshot of my ghost repository…

It seems installing multiple ghost version is unavailable since I cannot install additional versions with the command like below.
I get Message: Current directory is not empty, Ghost cannot be installed here.

$ ghost install 5.62.0
$ ghost install 5.62.0 --local

Running in development mode

A SystemError occurred.

Message: Current directory is not empty, Ghost cannot be installed here.

Debug Information:
    OS: macOS, v14.6.1
    Node Version: v18.18.2
    Ghost Version: 5.89.5
    Ghost-CLI Version: 1.26.1
    Environment: development
    Command: 'ghost install 5.62.0 --local'

Try running ghost doctor to check your system for known issues.

You can always refer to https://ghost.org/docs/ghost-cli/ for troubleshooting.

By the way, I do get result for ghost version command like below,
and it seems versions/5.64.0 has no effect.

$ ghost version

Running in development mode

Ghost-CLI version: 1.26.1
Ghost version: 5.89.5 (at ~/path)

What would be the reason, and how can I check it?
What is the right behaviour?
If single version is available, why would the upper level directory is names versions
Plus, can I run my ghost with 5.64.0 ? (this is not necessary though.)

You’re looking at a Ghost installation directory. The different versions are there to give you a chance to restore to the previous version if something goes wrong. By default, the CLI will try to keep you on the latest version.

If you want to install another instance of Ghost, you’ll need to create a new parallel folder and run ghost install local there (e.g. ~/path2).

Thank you for your prompt reply.
So this means I have another version of ghost in somewhere else?
Before executing

ghost backup
ghost update

I used to have 5.62.0 and 5.64.0 in the same directory
and update command made 5.89.5 directory and erased 5.62.0 but 5,64.0 is still remaining…
And I used to had 5.62.0 as CLI version. … How can this be explained?

You can see where you have ghost installed with ghost ls.

When you run ghost update, the CLI will update you to the latest version, if applicable, and remove older versions to save on disk space