Zapier problem: Photos by RSS feed

I import a RSS feed to my Ghost site ( Articles including feature photos are published correctly. But when I want to share an article on Facebook or Twitter (X) the feature photo isn’t shown; the thumbnail is empty.

The Ghost support isn’t helpful at all. They admit that there is a bug, but hasn’t fixed it since Decembre. Background: When I upload the photo manually, anything is fine. It’s all about importing the RSS feed including photo.

My question is: What can I do? Sharing articles correctly WITH photo is crucial for expanding reach and online marketing.

You’ll need to provide info on how you import the rss feed to get help, I think! :)

Content ist provided by this RSS feed SID Sportnews and is imported via Zapier to Ghost. Is this what you need to know?

Can you share a screenshot of the Zap? You probably need to set og:image, if that Zapier integration exposes them.

I just did a Zap and was able to set the facebook image, which should be what you need …

I included the photo URL in Zapier; and the photo is published on Ghost as feature image.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-29 um 23.02.05

But distributing the article WITH photo leads to the result that the photo isn’t shown beyond Ghost.

Are you setting the Facebook photo, specifically? When you open it in the sidebar on the post editor, is it set correctly?

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The funny thing is: In the backend this photo is shown as FB or X photo as if I would have upload it manually. But isn’t shown when embedding the article link in Ghost newsletter or social media. That’s what I don’t understand.

That is weird! What format is the photo?

jpg as you can see in the URL above.

I guess it’s a bug Ghost doesn’t fix.

That doesn’t look like a ghost image url. If you try to open it in the browser, does it work? I suspect you have the wrong url…

It’s the photo URL out of the RSS feed. I need to import the content into Ghost and then distribute the article URL WITH photo to FB etc. See the result when posting the Ghost URL on Facebook:

No photo shown although it’s to see on the Ghost website.

The Ghost support for this issue is terrible.

(nevermind - some issue with my phone)

Here’s the relevant bit of your page header:

<meta property="og:site_name" content="Fever Pit&#x27;ch">
    <meta property="og:type" content="article">
    <meta property="og:title" content="&quot;Echt verrückt&quot;: Klopp kämpft mit Liverpool &quot;um die Krone&quot;">
    <meta property="og:description" content="Jürgen Klopp genießt den Druck im Endspurt seiner letzten Saison in der Premier League.">
    <meta property="og:url" content="">
    <meta property="og:image" content="

It’s that last line that’s the problem. If you hit that URL, you don’t get a single image. Is the URL supposed to be instead?

The RSS feed appears to have the correct value. Can you paste in a screenshot of your zap, with all the configuration for that step shown? I’m not seeing a problem with the zap itself, but I’m wondering if you have the wrong field in the one of the import boxes…

In the Zapier offerings, there’s just the one photo link in the RSS feed that I’ve shown above. Within Ghost the piece /content/images/size/w1200 is added to the RSS photo link. I have no idea why. That is what the problem causes. Any idea to avoid this?

Here’s mine, using your exact RSS feed:

Since it works perfectly for me with the feed you listed, I’m pretty sure this is user error - can you please check that you’re using Raw Enclosure URL (and not that plus an additional field) in Facebook Image and Featured Image both?

The problem is the output. Not the import. Take an article that has imported the RSS photo via Zapier, and you will see, that the shared link doesn‘t show the photo. Here‘s one of these article links via RSS import: Hamann erklärt Tuchel-Kritik und äußert Verständnis or Medien: Nagelsmann kann sich Bayern-Rückkehr gut vorstellen

Embed this article link in a Ghost draft, and you‘ll see what I mean.