Adding ads.txt file for AdSense. Please Help!

Guys, I have built a blog site using Ghost CMS and hosted it on DigitalOcean. When I try to connect it to AdSense, I copy the ads.txt code snippet to Notepad, save it within the downloaded theme folder, and try to upload it again. However, I get an error that says, ‘Request contains an unknown or unsupported file type.’ (I attached a image of the error too ) Please help me solve this.

Hey, welcome to Ghost!

Did you zip the theme folder before trying to upload it?

Is the ads.txt saved with a .txt extension?

If you unzip the theme again, is there anything unexpected in it?

Hello Cathy, Thank you! I saved it without the .txt extension. and there wasn’t any unexpected anything within the folder. Anyway now I tried it another way. I connected to the digital ocean droplet by using a FTP client and find the theme folder and upload the ads.txt file directly to that folder. Now when I see the , I can see the AdSense code. Could you please tell me is it correct to what need to be done for apply for AdSense.

I suspect you needed the .txt extension. :slight_smile:

Sounds like you’ve got it set up right now!

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Thank you for your words ! :heart:

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