Auto Newsletter Recommendation Feature?

Is there a built-in functionality that automatically recommends your newsletter/site to other existing newsletters/sites using the Ghost platform (similar to what Substack does)?

One of the appealing features to many substack newsletter creators is that they can gain cross-promotional and cross-pollination leads from other newsletters in their niche.

Ultimately, everybody wins because the platform continues to gain subscribers, readers, traffic, and happy newsletter creators. And newsletter creators win, because they gain more readers, subscribers, and likely monetization.


Hi Jim, I am also looking for exactly this feature. Beehiive also has a similar recommendation strategy. I however don’t wish to leave Ghost but am not finding any alternative to emulate this feature with a third-party service, and I’m not technically equipped to implement a custom solution. [I also can’t use Sparkloop because they don’t integrate with Ghost and Stripe is not supported in my country]. I agree implementing this feature would be a huge win for all Ghost users. Have you maybe found a solution?