Best way to switch a complimentary member to paid?

We’re preparing to move our patrons from Patreon to Ghost memberships, each of whom we temporarily gave a complimentary membership.

We’d now like to switch these to paid accounts, but I’m wondering what would be the smoothest way to do this. I see that there isn’t a way to make that change from the front end, so should I first cancel their complimentary membership, then have them upgrade from their account?

Hey @brooklet - sounds like you already figured out that Patreon doesn’t have portable payment data, which means there’s no way to migrate customers from Patreon to Ghost or any other platform.

You’ll need to contact all of your supporters to explain that they need to re-enter their payment details to access your content. It’s probably also worthwhile explaining why this change has happened, and how it will benefit them (and help support you!).

In terms of how to turn off complimentary access so that they can sign up to a paid plan on your Ghost website, there’s a couple of options:

  1. Do this manually on each member from Ghost Admin
  2. Do this directly in Stripe (you can set each member’s complimentary plan to expire on a specified date)

I realise this is quite a manual process. We’re working on feature developments at the moment which will make admin for tasks like this more flexible. In the meantime, the above are the recommended routes to take.


Thanks, Kym! That makes sense. Looking forward to moving everyone over!