Blog's featured image doesn't load on Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn

When I share my blog on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (by pasting the direct URL of the post), it often does not fetch the featured image of the blog. I have literally tried all options I knew:

  1. manually upload the image on Facebook Card and Twitter Card in the post settings.
  2. upload the image on CDN and inject code into the blog.
  3. remove the code from the blog.
    Sometimes it works, but more than often it doesn’t. I fail to understand where I’m going wrong.

P.S. I’m using Casper.

Social networks tend to cache the structured data of posts, so if you share a URL to facebook and it has no image, then adding an image later won’t work, it’s just stuck in the state that it was first shared.

There’s nothing we can do about this on the Ghost side, but one hack/workaround is to change the URL (slug) of the post and then share it again. Social networks will then pick this up as a new piece of content, and pull in fresh structured data.

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