I’m currently building an knowledge base portal based on ghost.
Therefore I would like to link other hosted services and use the bookmark element in some cases.
Unfortunately I got an error caused by the private IPs uses for local hosted sites:
Is there a way to edit something like a whitelist for allowed IP ranges? - I really would like to use the bookmarks instead of just creating a list with urls
This is an old topic but the comment from @Kym addresses a point I need clarification on. I’m trying to use bookmarks to link to other pages on my site, expecting the (featured?) image, title and meta data to be pulled from the specific page. Instead I get the ‘root’ information, website title and image from the homepage, though the URL links is to the correct page.
Under Post Settings (right hand panel) is it possible to add this information? I’ve only currently played with the Google meta info, assuming that the FB and X stuff is specific to those sites.