Editing internal link metadata / Bookmark card

Hi, new Ghost user here.

When I paste an internal link from an existing post (say, site.com/category/post-title) into another Ghost post, the Bookmark card pulls in my site title and description, not the G / X / FB-customized metadata specific to that post.

As a newsletter editor, I’d like to be able to say “hey, here are the posts that are new” or as a post editor, leave a h2 that’s “Next in the series:” and have a card display.

I see some users are solving this via HTML blocks and code injection but that seems like multiple steps too many to have metadata show on a link.

Surely I’m missing something?

What’s especially confusing / leading me to believe I have something configured incorrectly, is that when I create a post, Ghost generates exactly the card I’m after:

However, pasting that same URL into another post generates a generic Blog name / tagline card:

I have a HTML card snippet created as a workaround but maybe someone can show me where I’m going wrong?

This behavior is expected when your site is in private mode. Is your site in private mode?

Making it public will cause the bookmark cards behave as expected.

Aha, that’s a great explanation–thanks Ryan. Commencing facepalm over here.

If I’m building a lot of content in private mode, and then turn off private mode, will those cards update?

No, they won’t be updated. The bookmark card is just static HTML once processed (so it won’t be updated if the site updates either). You’ll either want to set the site public or you’ll need to go back and redo any internal bookmark cards you made.