Bookmark size issues

Hello! I’m trying to use the bookmark function to link to several other stories within a story. When adding three bookmarks, they are all the same size in the editor, but when the post is previewed, the first bookmark is a significantly smaller size than the other two. I’ve tried re-ordering the bookmarks, resizing the header image and adding a different content link, and that has not resolved the issue. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Additional screenshot:

Screenshot with another link example:

Could you provide a preview link? It would be easier to debug with a link.

You can share a preview link without publishing the post, as shown in the image below:

The variation in bookmarks’ width is due to the theme not having a specific width set for them.
You can fix it by put the following into Ghost settings => Code injection => Site header

	.post-content .kg-bookmark-card {
		width: 100% !important;
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Looks like that did the trick!! Thank you so much :slight_smile: