Hi , I am new to Ghost. Just want to ask how is it possible to build a comment system but without the need of using custom theme. I want to stay with the starter pro plan and I cannot afford to go to the creater plan.
I read some comment system but need to modify the theme , hence will be regarded as custom theme. Still scratching my head
thanks @mjw, so this means that there is no way to incorporate comment system without upgrading to Creator level, which is a big jump for me. Now I need to look into this under a different light
Itâs possible to use Disqus comments without customizing your theme.
Youâd load their installation code into an HTML card in the post (or save it in a snippet).
The downside here is twofold:
You have to add comments manually to every post (a burden somewhat alleviated by reusable snippets)
It doesnât align with Disqusâ recommended configuration. The issue is that you canât set an identifier other than the URL from the editor, so you risk ending up with split/missing threads if you change the URL. Being aware of this potential problem, it may be worth trying out, since itâs free and and you could remove the HTML cards if you donât like it.
That tutorial is, unfortunately, out of date, so its code isnât going to work without modifications. The other issue is that the utterances commenting system requires you to have a Github repo with the app installed. I didnât see that included in your code.
If you do that step, then you could use the following code in Code Injection > Site Footer:
const isAPost = document.querySelector('.post') // Select the content container
if (isAPost) { // If were on a post, load the comments
const scriptTag = document.createElement('script'); // Create a script tag and add attributes
scriptTag.setAttribute('src', "https://utteranc.es/client.js");
scriptTag.setAttribute('repo', "THIS IS WHERE YOU NEED TO ADD YOUR GITHUB REPO");
scriptTag.setAttribute("issue-term", "url");
scriptTag.setAttribute('theme', "github-dark");
scriptTag.setAttribute('crossorigin', "anonymous");
isAPost.appendChild(scriptTag); // Add the script to the page
good point, should have included the codes that I used. The GitHub repo is fuzzygelblog/comments. I tried to switch the order of the two code blocks but makes no difference.