Cannot reset password "Failed to send email. Reason: Email has been temporarily rejected."

Hello all,

I have a new installation and I have had to change the password a number of times today (I know).

I need to reset again but get the following message:

“Failed to send email. Reason: Email has been temporarily rejected.”

Please can someone help me with this? Its been a very bad day for me with things like this!


EDIT: I should have added that this is set up on PikaPods and prior to inadvertently losing my password again (accidentally copied it over on the clipboard), i had changed lots in the profile, i.e. name, email, etc, etc. This is as I originally set my daughter up as admin but later realised that I’d be doing all the work on the site, so I changed it all to my details.

I doubt that’s the issue but I wanted to make sure I’d explained things properly :slight_smile:

Can you post in your environment variables from the pikapod control panel, removing any api keys or passwords?

Was email working at any point? If not, you may want to start here:

You need to have transactional email working.

Hello @Cathy_Sarisky,

Thanks for this.

Yes, it was all working well a couple of hours ago. All the environment variables are blank, as I have not needed them yet. Should I fill the mail settings in for my custom domain?


This is probably the first time you’ve tried to do a password reset, then? Yes, you’ll have to configure a way for the server to send email before it can send email. :slight_smile:

This is the odd thing, I have already reset the password twice today. EDIT: just signing up for Mailgun now. Looks like I’ll need it for newsletters.


An update:

No access currently to Mailgun due to my mail from my hosting company having problems, can’t receive the verification message from them!

I added an SMTP connection in the PikaPod pod EN VARS, like this:

mail_transport SMTP
mail_option_service LEFT BLANK
mail_options_secureConnection true
mail_options_auth_pass mypassword

Now, when I use the Forgot? link, I get the error:
Too many attempts try again in an hour

Sooo ,maybe I’ll try again in the morning! Progress (sort of!)


Hello again, @Cathy_Sarisky,

That seems to have fixed it and I am resolving Mailgun today, I hope.

Thanks for your help, I’ve had a bit of a rough start to things!!

All the best,