Can't login on local Ghost 5.3.0, macOS 12.4

I have installed Ghost 5.3.0 on my local computer (maxOS Monterey 12.4) and I can’t seem to be able to login.

The password is right for sure, since when I use a wrong pwd the admin says so.

I get a redirect, with the following console log:

vendor.min-4076498ccd6c8412365f43b156084ed8.js:920 GET /ghost/api/admin/users/me/?include=roles 403 (Forbidden)
vendor.min-4076498ccd6c8412365f43b156084ed8.js:920 GET /ghost/api/admin/config/ 403 (Forbidden)
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vendor.min-4076498ccd6c8412365f43b156084ed8.js:920 GET /ghost/api/admin/settings/?group=site%2Ctheme%2Cprivate%2Cmembers%2Cportal%2Cnewsletter%2Cemail%2Camp%2Clabs%2Cslack%2Cunsplash%2Cviews%2Cfirstpromoter%2Ceditor%2Ccomments 403 (Forbidden)
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vendor.min-4076498ccd6c8412365f43b156084ed8.js:9311 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request was rejected because user is not permitted to perform this operation.
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Navigated to /ghost/

Okay, I solved this with Requestly.

Issue: Chrome isn’t setting a cookie for localhost if the “Secure” is removed, see the yellow triangle

Mock solution: append ; Secure to the end of the set-cookie response header. Unfortunately can’t attach more than 1 image since I’m a new user, but the triangle disappeared and the login works.

Temporary solution: use Safari instead of Chrome

Real solution: add ; Secure to session cookies for localhost. Made a comment on the relevant PR 🐛 Fixed cookies when running Ghost without SSL by allouis · Pull Request #15022 · TryGhost/Ghost · GitHub