Captions not displaying in published posts

Issue Summary
I’ve added captions to the featured images in my posts, but the captions don’t display when viewing the post. I expected the captions to be visible to visitors. When I inspect I see the caption text as alt text, even though when I toggle to alt text in the editor, there’s nothing populated there. Example: Brain Tomorrow - The future of the human brain

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a new post
  2. Add a featured image
  3. Caption the image
  4. Publish the post
  5. View the published post

Setup information

Ghost Version
4.32.3 ( hosted)

Browser & OS version
Mac OS 12.1 Chrome Version 97.0.4692.71

Relevant log / error output

It’s up to themes to make use of feature image alt text and captions rather than a core behaviour. What theme are you using?

You can see how the default Casper theme handles alt text and captions for feature images here

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