Casper image captions and alt text

Hi, I’m running a self-hosted Ghost 3.26.1 with Casper on and in general it’s going really well. However I would like some help with images.

When I load the image in the Post settings > Upload post image right-hand settings pane – this to me is like the Wordpress ‘Featured post’ – I can’t see a way to include the caption or alt text.

If I am using an image not my own e.g. from Unsplash it’s good manners at least to include an image credit (I do this routinely on my other sites). And I am in the habit of including alt text because it is a ‘brownie point’ for SEO and good for folk who are visually handicapped.

If I load the image on the editor, I can include this information. But then I see two images on the page.

If I load the image on the site editor only, and not under ‘Post settings’, the home page excerpts appear without an image.

I don’t mind delving into the html if that’s a workaround (although, posting to a number of sites, I don’t welcome anything too time-consuming) but as a writer rather than a coder, I would need to know exactly what to enter and where.

And if a caption box on the Settings pane is something that we could see in a future release – bring it on. But if I am missing something, please give me a steer.