Create post with Zapier + Vimeo


I’m trying to create a post in Ghost using Zapier… and that works fine.

The issue I have is the Vimeo ‘video link’ or embedded code doesn’t want to insert into the post…

Shouldn’t this magically work with the embed thing?

What am i doing wrong?

Update: Looks like its a zapier problem, it’s not converting the HTML input to JSON/Mobiledoc properly which is required for ghost API!

So i’ll have to make a zap using mobiledoc formatt instead of HTML… anyone know the easiest way to make this?

Hey @samjamesnz, did you get anywhere with this? Are you able to change how the API is used in Zapier? Our Admin API does accept HTML, but you need to use the source parameter by adding ?source=html. Example over on our docs:

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Sorted doing the below post!


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Nice job!!