Custom Field workaround?

I love Ghost, but the main thing I’m missing to fully embrace it is the ability to add custom fields to posts/pages. I’ve had a good search of the forum and it looks like there was previously a workaround by using “”, but that site now seems to be down.

Has anyone else managed to find a way to add custom fields to articles? I’d love to hear how if so.

My best idea is to use another tool that generates structured HTML or Markdown, which is then put into Ghost manually or through the API.

This is cumbersome and lacks the ability to target the custom data in queries when you are done.

I see no way to add true custom fields to Ghost.

For the specific case of recipes, what I really wanted was to add recipe schema to a few pages, and I found a workaround for that:

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That’s an interesting idea - thanks for posting about this. Unfortunately I would be trying to call the custom field data from the category pages (per post), so wouldn’t be able to get it working via this mechanism. I’m really glad you found a way to get schema markup working this way though - you’ve got a very interesting blog.