Deleting blog posts… what about SEO?

Hi guys !
First on all, I want to thank you for all the help you provide. It’s awesome !

Now, my question.
My team (and probably me) published a lot of internal duplicate content (200 posts).
Most of the posts are like the same informations but with different titles or different structures.
My Google ranking is (very) low. (1 or 0 click)
My question si :
What If I unpublish the majority of the posts ?

That’s unlikely to solve the problem on its own, but would be a first step. It just takes away the problem. You’d then need to build a pattern of publishing high quality, user-focused content to help recover your quality score.


I use primary tag as categories like

Must I add some keywords as tags like the following on « tag form »
Primary_Tag Keyword
Or must I just insert my primary tag and voilà

I heard somewhere that I must have
1 keyword for 1 blog post.

That would be very old advice. These days search is based on search intent, rather than keywords specifically. Also, the “one keyword, one page” model works for e-commerce sites, but not really for editorial, where you build authority by writing good pieces repeatedly on the same topic.

There is no place you can declare keywords to Google that it will pay any attention to. It abandoned that in… 2008.

On the right side of your blog post you can find a column where you can insert meta title, meta description, excerpt, social media meta description and title. You can also find a field to insert tags, right?

Do you use it to insert tags to organize your content ?

I visited your blog and I really like it.