Display all ghosts running


This belongs to the ‘would be nice’ category. Not a showstopper…

I am wondering what I have to do to display all ghost instances running. Currently if I type “ghost status” I only get 3 instances.

I have over a dozen sites running ghost on this server. I don’t know why the rest of them don’t show up; all are running under the same user… I remember in a different machine (I upgraded hardware about 1 year ago) I once saw all of them listed. I am not sure what has changed.

The output looks like this:

myfoo@foo:/var/www/cmsghost/orgullosamente.com$ ghost status

Love open source? We’re hiring JavaScript Engineers to work on Ghost full-time.

  • sudo systemctl is-active ghost_www-foo-com
  • sudo systemctl is-active ghost_www-bar-com
  • sudo systemctl is-active ghost_www-world-com
    │ Name │ Location │ Version │ Status │ URL │ Port │ Process Manager │
    │ www-foo-com │ /var/www/myghost/foo.com │ 5.75.2 │ running (production) │ https://www.foo.com/ │ 123 │ systemd │
    │ www-bar-com │ /var/www/myghost/bar.com │ 5.75.2 │ running (production) │ https://www.bar.com │ 132 │ systemd │
    │ www-world-com │ /var/www/myghost/world.com │ 5.75.2 │ running (production) │ https://www.world.com │ 231 │ systemd │

ghost ls (status is just an alias for ls) lists all the Ghost instances that are in the ~/.ghost/config file, according to the documentation:

I have just checked. In my local development environment I get a list of 19 installations. On a production server I also get all the instances that are running there.

The instances I see also directly represent the content of my ~/.ghost/config file.

Can you check yours? How many instances are listed in this file?


Thanks for the update. I will check as soon as I can and will let you know.


Hi Jannis,

Thanks! That was it.

I don’t understand why only 3 of my instances were in the ~/.ghost/config file, but after manually entering the others, now I can see as many of my ghosts installs as I want.

Merry Christmas and thanks for this Christmas present,

Jorge M.

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