[SOLVED] Ghost is already running!


I have a problem with ghost - I have just installed it on my new server, but I get this error when I try to stop / start / restart ghost

Ghost seems to run but the commands don’t work!

ghost-mgr@dragon:/var/www/ghost$ ghost start
+ sudo systemctl is-active ghost_www-futurenode-dk

Ghost is already running! For more information, run:

    ghost ls


When i then run ghost ls, i get this error

ghost-mgr@dragon:/var/www/ghost$ ghost ls
No installed ghost instances found

When i try to run ghost status i get this error

ghost-mgr@dragon:/var/www/ghost$ ghost status
No installed ghost instances found

Site: https://www.futurenode.dk/
Ghost-CLI version: 1.17.3
Ghost version: 4.16.0 (at /var/www/ghost)

Hope someone can help me!


Just an update. I found the error

In the file: “/home/ghost-mgr/.ghost” the config file was missing.

I added this code:

  "instances": {
    "www-futurenode-dk": {
      "cwd": "/var/www/ghost"

And now it all works