Edit a snippet and changes take effect globally

Today I had to go through 40 posts to remove the same element on each post I had created using a snippet and replace each one individually with another snippet.

It would be better if we can edit a snippet and changes take effect globally.

Unfortunately, that’s not how snippets work. They’re basically just an extra set of elements that you can copy and paste.

If you want update everywhere, I suggest pulling the content from a page (or a custom site variable) instead. This works seamlessly for content above/below the main post (because you can add the new code to the handlebars) or with a little more difficulty (javascript required) if you need something in the middle of the post updated.


I am def going to hire you in a few more month if you aren’t backed up. You seem to know everything there is to know about Ghost, and there are several tweaks I would like to make to my site to make it function as it should instead of the cookie cutter things I’ve done to it and I know you will be able to make lots of recommendations. You’re awesome Cathy! Ghost should pay you for the value you bring to this forum alone, as you are the one who answers everyones questions, so that you for being you.

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Aww, thanks @The_Jetsetter_Cheap ! :)

I’m pretty much always a week or three backed up, but you can always get on my calendar. :slight_smile:

And yes, I guess I’d get work done slightly faster if I didn’t post on the forum, but I like being helpful and giving back to open source! :) And anyway, I’m waiting on npm to install packages right now…